Jan 17, 20213 min read
Dog! How F*cked Up Is You?: Trump and His "Stans"
This is to share and make a smallish comment about a jaw-droppingly powerful image that I've just seen, disseminated to my newsfeed by...
Dec 29, 20201 min read
Recalling Kanye’s Christmas Opera (12 Songs for Christmas)
A year ago, Kanye West premiered a high-concept and well-hyped Christmas “opera” at Lincoln Center. Today I bring back this earlier...
Dec 31, 20197 min read
I Watched Kanye’s Christmas Pageant So You Don’t Have To...
…Or… if you want to watch, or already did—if you are into that sort of thing—let’s compare notes. The production was fascinating in...
Aug 27, 20194 min read
Remembering Trauma with Pentecostal Trumpers, Left-Wing Rappers, and Others
What do we remember? How do we remember? What good does it do? I started this post while the media's weekly dose of infotainment was...