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My first post (including my essay on “Remembering Prince”)

I published this at Sacred Matters a few weeks ago, and I want to see how it looks here.  Click on the picture to access it.


Meanwhile I should warn you that I do not use Facebook—much less Twitter, Instagram, or whatever “these kids these days are using.”  If you want sophistication in social media, you've come to the wrong place-- although over time I can probably make it look somewhat better than it does on this first try. 

Also I have an impression that people are going to read this, it will mainly have to be parasitic on my friends who do use Facebook and Twitter, reposting.  More later about that.  [Update: click here] Who knows how it will turn out?  This is “Mark’s Blogging Experiment” with an emphasis on that last word. 

However, speaking of media savvy, let's remember that many of Prince’s videos sucked, and his movie-making skills were highly questionable.  Still he is as close to a genius as a human can get in what he did best. 

By extension I hope that some of what I do here (extremely watered down from Prince in genius-levels) will at least be passable “in its own lane” and will find some of the people who can use it.

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The time I spend on this site is not in addition to a Twitter and FaceBook presence, but an alternative to itIf you think anything here merits wider circulation, this will probably only happen if you circulate it. 

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